Why Sould I Start Addig Marine Collagen To My Morning Routine?


Customer: Brianna R. 
Skin Type: Combination
Skin Condition: I don't know
Skin Stage: 56 to 65 (mature)

Question From Brianna

MHi Saranghae,

I’ve been a long time customer of your skincare products for years now and I’m very happy with it. I want to try your fish collagen because I’ve been curious about it for a long time but I’m not quite sure if it really works. I’ve heard mixed information about it. Can you clarify for me why I should take this collagen and how it works?

If I do start taking collagen I will purchase the Saranghae brand because I trust you. You have the best products and the best customer service. Thank you!

Brianna R.

Saranghae Recommendation

Hi Brianna!

Thank you for your question and we appreciate your kind words. It’s very motivating to know that our customers appreciate what we do.

Now your question is a common one, and you are correct, there is a lot of mistaken and outdated information out there regarding ingestible collagen. Let me see if I can help shed some light on this.

Collagen is the main structural protein found in connective tissues in animals and humans, compromising 30% off all proteins our body. Decades ago, companies started adding whole collagen molecules to their products (topical or ingestible) with the theory that our bodies would breakdown the protein into amino acids which then would be absorbed and transported to where it needed most i.e. skin, hair, nails etc..

Studies found that these collagen proteins could not be absorbed through the skin nor the the gut because the molecules were too large. This is still true do this day because whole proteins cannot be absorbed by the body. But new technology has rendered this argument erroneous. Hydrolyzed collagen is a collagen molecule broken down into short chain amino acids with low molecular weights. The introduction of hydrolyzed collagen around the early 2000’s changed the game because the now the body did absorb the amino acids from collagen proteins. In fact, studies found that ingestion of collagen did indeed lead to elevated levels of collagen-derived peptides in the blood stream and randomized controlled trials have found that hydrolyzed collagen supplements did improve skin elasticity (study by Harvarde T.H. Chan School of Public Health).

 The other finding is that not all sources of collagen were equal. Marine (fish) collagen was found to the most bio-compatible with the human body, meaning we humans, absorbed the amino acids from fish collagen better than any other source of collagen. This is why we chose ethically derived and hydrolyzed fish for our Saranghae Pure Marine Collagen Supplement. It is also why I personally, along with every member of my family takes 1 scoop of Pure Marine Collagen every morning. 🙂

I hope this helps answer your questions and please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with more questions or comments.Cheers and all the best Brianna

Peter Lee
Co-Founder, CEO
Saranghae Means I Love You | Orora Skin Science

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