Your partner in health

Hi, my name Andrea Mourad, co-founder & CBO of Saranghae Skincare
"Your current life is a reflection of the choices you’ve made in the past. Choose wisely. Your future depends on it".
Andrea Mourad is a wife to her partner in business and in life, a mother of two, a best-selling author, a former elementary school teacher of 15 years, the co-owner of two award winning Korean skincare companies, Saranghae and Orora Skin Science, and a mentor to female entrepreneurs looking for infinite expansion within their business and personal lives. Through her journey to entrepreneurship, Andrea has learned that the only way to achieve true success in life is through prioritizing her self-care and total wellbeing. She has since developed a new found passion for holistic wellness and is on a mission to empower other women to elevate their self-care rituals by focusing on small daily habits that have the absolute power to completely transform their lives.
Together with her family, Andrea enjoys hiking, biking, traveling and exploring, baking, and gardening. She also enjoys yoga, meditation, reading, masterminding with other entrepreneurs, hosting retreats in exotic locations, writing, brisk walks, and sunny days.

Let's Talk About Wellness
“Right here and right now is where I am meant to be... ”
One hundred meters away from the summit of a 19,974 ft. mountain in Bolivia, Peter stopped and looked to either side. The path to the summit was icy and steep with mile long drop offs on either side. His knees were buckling, his hands were sweaty and his brain was begging him to turn back.
But he kept moving forward, one foot in front of the other, because he promised his son Marcus that he would not give in. He wanted to show his son that we can do hard things if we just put one foot in front of the other, again and again.
In so many ways, launching Saranghae was like climbing a mountain. It starts with excitement, hope and a healthy dose naivety. You overcome the early obstacles with hardwork and some luck. And when you inevitably hit that insurmountable wall, we can lose sight of how much we’ve accomplished and how close we are to the summit. This is the moment, some call it the moment of truth. I like to call it one hundred meters from the summit! Right her and right, is exactly where we're meant to be.

Let's talk about motherhood?
“Endurance is a state we reach for those who have had the privilege to endure. ”
In mid 2018, around 2 years after the birth of his son Marcus, Peter stepped on the scale and watched in resignation as the evil fluorescent blue number spit out 270 pounds. He was smoking a pack of cigarettes every 2 days and was pretty sure he suffered a mild heart attack. He was in and out of depression and in his words, he felt as if he was sliding down a hole that he couldn’t get out of.
In June of 2018 he was invited to climb Mt. Washington in New Hampshire, and the course of his life changed forever. It was one of the hardest things he’d ever done. His knees swelled to the size of grapefruits and embarrassingly remembers telling his climbing group to leave him there to die because he was in excruciating pain. But when finally reached the bottom of that mountain, the feeling of exhilaration was intoxicating. He was hooked! Since that event, Peter has climbed mountains in Canada, US and Bolivia, he has run numerous marathons and ultra marathons, and is currently prepping for his first 100 miler. Is an eight-thousander in his plans? Shisghapangma (26,335 ft in elevation) sure looks beautiful!

The Saranghae Story
“Saranghae Means I Love You ”
'Sa - Rang - Hae' means 'I love you' in Korean.We are a Korean Beauty company that marries ancient Asian medicinal philosophies with modern anti-aging science.
Our journey started when our spiritual founder Myeong-Jo Lee originally wanted to create a skin cream to help her sister heal from burn scars. After 2 years of trials, Myeong-Jo found that not only did her formulation help heal scarring, it reduced wrinkles, and improved skin firmness and resiliency.