What can I do to improve overall skin health?

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Customer Name: Aisha Z.
Skin Type: Combination
Skin Condition: I don't know
Skin Stage: 45 to 54 (mid-mature)

Question From Aisha

MHi Saranghae,

I’ve been a happy Saranghae customer for over 5 years now and I’m very happy with it. I’m pretty healthy, I drink lots of water, eat lots of veggies and stay out of the sun for the most part. I was wondering though what else can I do to improve my overall skin health? Thanks and looking forward to my next shipment in a few days 🙂


Saranghae Recommendation

Hi Aisha,

Thanks for writing in and thank you so much for your support over the years. Everyone here at Sarangahe | Orora appreciate it.

This is an excellent question and one that I am personally very passionate about. As you and many of our customers implicitly understand, what skin care products we use are really a small part of achieving great skin health, which by the way, is a subset of overall physical and mental health. So for your question, I’d like to steer my response to what we could focus on OUTSIDE of what products I would recommend.

Dr. Andrew Huberman is a professor of neurobiology at Standford Unversity School of Medicine and the host of a well known podcast called the Huberman Lab. He often talks about his 5 pillars for mental and physical well being, and they just happens to coincide with the 5 things I focus on for overall health and well being.

Here are the five pillars for physical and mental wellness.

Pillar 1: Get Good Sleep
I can write an entire book on why sleep is so important for us but in a nutshell, our body and brain repairs itself when we sleep. Our cells (skin cells are no exception) take in energy in the form of ATP and oxygen amongst other important nutrients and produce waste by-products which need to be flushed out. This important process of waste removal, cellular repair and regeneration is called autophagy. In fact there are certain, very important functions of the cell that are only “turned-on” during the deepest stages of your sleep. This is why your night time skin care routine is usually much more elaborate than your day time routine. A good foundational night time skin care routine should be designed to support your body’s natural healing and regeneration process.

Pillar 2: Spend Time in Sunlight
Sunlight is the source of heat and energy. It is also essential to our growth, happiness and well-being. Exposure to sunlight releases the “feel good” chemical serotonin in the brain. Of course, raw and prolonged over exposure to UV rays prematurely ages our skin so we need to be careful there. My recommendation is to spend the first waking moments outside for 30 minutes in natural sunlight. It’s a great start to the day.

Pillar 3: Movement
Movement (or the more unpopular term - exercise) has been called the universal medicine by may health care professionals. And I am a big believer that the human body is designed to move. Move as much as you can and however you can. Even a simple 10 minute walk can raise your serotonin levels.Try to raise your heart rate a little everyday and get progressively more active as you adapt to your exercise routine. As we get older, adding some strength and mobility exercises will help us add healthy decades to our life. Moderately vigorous exercise also helps you go into deeper sleep, so there’s a double benefit there!It’s never too late to start, so why not get up right now and go for a little walk? 🙂

Pillar 4: Eat Real Food
The micronutrients we need for good overall healthy like vitamins, minerals and amino acids are abundant in non-processed foods. Processed foods like pre-packed meals, fast food, salty snacks, chocolate bards, frozen pizza etc.. are lacking in those essential nutrients. Filling up on processed foods robs our bodies of the nutrients that we need to heal and regenerate properly. Cooking at home with fresh vegetables, fruits, lean protein and healthy fats is a sure fire way to get gerat overall health and wellness. The rule of thumb I use is, the less packged the better, the less cooked the better (ex. Raw veggies and fruit, nuts, dates etc in it’s native form).

Pillar 5: Relationships
We are social creatures and healthy relationships add vitablity and longevity to our lives. Lunching with your friends, a walk with your spouse and catching up with distance relatives are not just good for your soul, they’re essential for a healthy and long life. Of course there are other habits you can incorprote into your life that will help foster great health. I like to focus on these 5 because they’re conceptually simple and relatively easy to execute consistently.I hope this added some value to your day, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any more questions or concerns.

With great pleasure,

Peter Lee
Co-founder & CEO
Saranghae Means I Love You | Orora Skin Science

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